I queued for close to half an hour for the Xiang Jiang Soy Sauce Chicken stall and was little afraid that i will be disappointed. Luckily i wasn’t though i am still not sure if i will queue again. This got to be the best Soy Sauce Chicken i have ever eaten.

Of course the star was the chicken but the noodle is also very good. Usually one is much better than the other but not this stall. The chef takes pride in his noodle too where you can see he wasvrather particular when cooking it and dipping with various ingredients. Even the chili is great. They have two types of chili, one is sauce and the other more paste like. Both are just great and a real treat. Seems like this stall gets everything right which is really very rare. Well, depends on how much i miss it before i decide to queue again next time.